How to make an Onward wizard staff with glowing isomalt gem
This is how I made a fun Onward wizard staff with glowing isomalt gem as part of a collaboration with some of my YouTuber friends. Check out all the videos in this collaboration by clicking the links below.
I basically decided to make the wizard staff because I wanted to experiment with making an isomalt gem without a mold. I designed a mold for my isomalt using a paper diamond template. I covered it in aluminum foil tape and poured my isomalt in. Worked perfectly!
You can download my paper diamond mold template here.
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I thought about using my gummy candy recipe and embedding the light inside but I wasn't sure how I would turn the light on once it was inside the gummy.
I also considered putting battery operated fairy lights inside the gem and running the switch down the handle of the wizard staff but I didn't want the wire showing out the end.
So my solution was to just hide the light behind the gem and imbed it into the fondant prong. It wasn't a perfect solution but it looks great from the front. Just don't look at the back haha.
The hand is made out of blue modeling chocolate. I really enjoy making hands ever since I watched this hand sculpting video from my sculptor hero Philippe Feraut. Modeling chocolate actually behaves very similarly to water-based clay but it's much firmer and harder to blend together.
I didn't go into too much detail of how to make this hand because I only had a short amount of time for my YouTube video but if you want to learn more about how I make hands, you can watch my Hulk hand sculpting tutorial. This tutorial goes more into depth in all the steps I take to form the knuckles and fingers for a realistic shape.
Another fun thing I figured out how to do in this tutorial was how to bend PVC pipe. Who knew it was so easy? Just a little heat from my heat gun and it bent so easily.
There have been so many times I was making a sculpted cake and I needed a slight bend in my PVC. I should have tried this ages ago.
I really like how the wood texture turned out on the wizard staff. Just some simple texturing with a modeling tool is all you need and some ivory food coloring. Brush it on and wipe off the excess.
The plaid shirt is just painted fondant and the board is covered in crackled fondant.
Check out the full video tutorial below on how I made this Wizard staff with a glowing gem from the movie ONWARD.
Are you excited to see the new movie ONWARD?
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